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Archive for September, 2012

Mag Bats – Now in Color!

We had a request for the Mag Bats pictures in color. These have still “had some work done” as the saying goes. The sky was washed out on the originals and the band was in the dark. Something had to be done!

Burn Me to the Ground (again)

Mag Bats played at Legend Brewing Company again last night. Talia and I were doing our best to be our own paparazzi. I managed to get a few songs recorded before I hit the pause button on the recorder by mistake, in the dark, without my glasses, in a hurry because the next song was about to start. Talia shot some photos in difficult light that I’ve done some work on this morning. But, you know, these are all gold plated problems. It was a fun night… here’s Wes Freed’s song, “Burn Me to the Ground” and one of Talia’s photos:


…and here’s a link to my earlier “Burn Me to the Ground” post:



9-12-12 – The Visitors


This evening Louisa Ferncliff and I went walking in the woods and visited some of our old friends. Later in the evening we entertained visitors around the fire pit.

Hatteras Vistas

We had exceptional clouds the first day at Hatteras. I was expecting lots of clouds all week, but the first day turned out the best.